الاثنين - الجمعة ٨:٠٠-١٨:٠٠
استشرنا الآن


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red and white ship on sea under gray sky
Dictated by its geographic position as a strategic navigational point and vital bypass of world trade, the UAE has enacted a number of rules and regulations to secure smooth and uninterrupted passage of sea carriage through its sea borders and protect the rights of carriers, charters and merchants alike. Al Sabhan Legal Group is privileged to have an integrated maritime department manned by a specialized team of legal consultants with many years of experience in this field. Our maritime department handles all types of maritime disputes and claims as well as all other maritime matters including claims arising from charter parties, carriage contracts, mortgage agreements and registration of ships. The department may also seek imposition of provisional and execution attachment to secure its client’s rights and interests. The Maritime department can draft ship sale/purchase contracts and registration procedures with competent authorities as well as the drafting and registering of ship mortgage agreements, security and lien contracts in accordance with international maritime trade agreement and provisions. As part of its services, the department also prepares and reviews charter party agreements, master and crew engagement contracts and handles all disputes arising from sea carriage contracts, insurance policies, sea cargo losses, general and joint average claims, ship registration and applicable laws in case of conflicted jurisdiction.Generally, the legal consultants serving in the maritime department are outstandingly competent to handle and deal with all matters related to their field of specialization .

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info@alsabhanlegalgroup.com الاثنين – الجمعة ٨٫٠٠ – ١٨٫٠٠

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