الاثنين - الجمعة ٨:٠٠-١٨:٠٠
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Choosing Right Advisor Can Save Million Dollars

Insurance is the modern means of dealing with risks and the effects of what is exposed to the human being and the money and during his life in order to alleviate the fatigue, which is a means of cooperation, which is achieved with the participation of people exposed to the same risk in the face of the effects that result from achieving for some of them. By paying each of them subscription or installment and collect the amounts collected, and then distributed to those who solve the disaster.

Insurance fraud is any act committed to defraud an insurance process. It occurs when a claimant attempts to obtain some benefit or advantage they are not entitled to, or when an insurer knowingly denies some benefit that is due.

Our Process

1. Planning The Case

Although most people know the importance of drafting and writing legal contracts in a professional way to avoid confusion in understanding any paragraph, some of these people believe that they may not need a lawyer when signing a contract. Of course, this is certainly not true at all, because writing legal contracts requires art, science and creativity, and it is not just a matter of looking for a lease model, partnership contract model, maintenance contract, or whatever the type of contract to be written, then the amendment in the paragraphs of this contract According to what corresponds to you.

2. Evaluate Situation

Hence, it is not surprising that the legal service is very important because with a lawyer with you you will be in a fortress from signing any contract that may lead to deception or loss of all or some of what you have, in many cases it appears – but it is too late.

3. File The Case To The Court

Taking the advice of a lawyer was invaluable when signing an employment contract, for example, a service contract, a home or car purchase contract, or even your own marriage contract. It is known that legal agreements and contracts contain many special phrases and conventions, and then having a lawyer with you who understands all of this will relieve you later on entering into legal complications or problems that could have arisen in the future.

4. Gather More Information

The office provides legal advice through a distinguished group of consultants specialized in the legal field. The Rights Advocates and Legal Consultants office is distinguished by that it keeps pace with the developments and technologies of the era, in light of this accelerating era, each of us needs to know his rights, duties and legal position towards a matter or project submitted to him very quickly and with great accuracy.

Evaluate & Improvement

Because legal advice has an important and effective role in guiding and providing the required advice to clients before starting the legal procedures, the Law Firm has intended to provide the best services to clients through the legal advice service provided by a specialized team that provides legal advice through competent consultants with distinguished and specialized scientific formation through The latest technology, whether on the phone, internet, email, fax and SMS. Whereas, the legal consulting service requires speed in providing advice to enable the body in charge of advice to make decisions quickly and accurately.


Private legal protection provides advice to private individuals or their representation in disputes.

Legal Protection

giving of a professional or formal opinion regarding the substance or procedure of the law in relation to a particular factual situation.

We Take Care

Our Clients come first. Ask for insurance plans that cover both legal costs and pay-outs.

Planning The Case

Although most people know the importance of drafting and writing legal contracts in a professional way to avoid confusion in understanding any paragraph, some of these people believe that they may not need a lawyer when signing a contract. Of course, this is certainly not true at all, because writing legal contracts requires art, science and creativity, and it is not just a matter of looking for a lease model, partnership contract model, maintenance contract, or whatever the type of contract to be written, then the amendment in the paragraphs of this contract According to what corresponds to you.


Evaluate Situation

Hence, it is not surprising that the legal service is very important because with a lawyer with you you will be in a fortress from signing any contract that may lead to deception or loss of all or some of what you have, in many cases it appears – but it is too late.

File The Case To The Court

Taking the advice of a lawyer was invaluable when signing an employment contract, for example, a service contract, a home or car purchase contract, or even your own marriage contract. It is known that legal agreements and contracts contain many special phrases and conventions, and then having a lawyer with you who understands all of this will relieve you later on entering into legal complications or problems that could have arisen in the future.


Gather More Information

The office provides legal advice through a distinguished group of consultants specialized in the legal field. The Rights Advocates and Legal Consultants office is distinguished by that it keeps pace with the developments and technologies of the era, in light of this accelerating era, each of us needs to know his rights, duties and legal position towards a matter or project submitted to him very quickly and with great accuracy.


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إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي مساعدة ، فلا تتردد في التواصل معنل عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو منصات التواصل الاجتماعي سنعود إليك في يوم عمل واحد. أو إذا كنت في عجلة من أمرك فاتصل بنا الآن!

هاتف: ٠٤٣٣٢٢٢٢٣

info@alsabhanlegalgroup.com الاثنين – الجمعة ٨٫٠٠ – ١٨٫٠٠

تنزيل الملف التعريفي


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