الاثنين - الجمعة ٨:٠٠-١٨:٠٠
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Dr. Al Sabhan Legal Group Advocates & Legal Consultants specializes in providing professional legal advice and representation before all arbitration forums in the United Arab Emirates. We have successfully handled multi-million-dollararbitration proceedings seated at the Dubai International Arbitration Centre(DIAC) as well as the Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre(TAHKEEM).
Our Arbitration practice group consists of a multi-national team of highly qualifiedattorneys who are well-versed in the local arbitration lawsas well as theinstitutional rules governing various stages of arbitration proceedings. Thisexpertise includes considerable experience with the legal procedures critical toenforcement and nullification of domestic arbitral awards. 
Our talented team of arbitration lawyers’ hails from both common law and civil law jurisdictions and holds professional certifications in local arbitration. They stay up-to-date with the latest developments in arbitration law and can always becounted on for expert counsel, strategic advice and outstanding results

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info@alsabhanlegalgroup.com الاثنين – الجمعة ٨٫٠٠ – ١٨٫٠٠

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